Tuesday, October 15, 2013

National Junior Beta Club

Hey Equatos!(Winner of the poll so far.) Today's topic is going to be about a club that I am in at school. It is called the National Junior Beta Club. This club is for "smart students" or students that show good character traits. Now the reason why I put quotes around smart students is because most of them aren't very smart. This is because last year, the requirement to get in was a 4.00 GPA. Now, the requirement is a 3.75 GPA. That small change of GPA added more than 80 members! Now the club is gigantic! As for Beta Club itself, it is mainly about learning about the future of your life. You do community service and other cool activities. Actually, by sometime in May you need to have done 10 hours of community service! At the end of the year you can do a Beta Club convention. The convention allows you to do all kinds of different subjects like making banners to a Battle of the Books. I just came back from a meeting and it turns out the original leader of it, who was very mean and rude, quit! This would usually be a bad thing, but it's good since she was mean and she got replaced by a really awesome teacher. Anyway, I just thought you would like to hear about what I am doing, so, yeah. As for that guy that responded to my blog post asking why my name is The Equation and other stuff, read my first blog.

Check out my YouTube channel here.
Check out my old Tumblr blog here.

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